Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Give Me My Baby!

After I was released from the hospital, I endured a painful recovery. As I popped pain pills, suffered from stomach pains that are unimaginable and walked with a gentle limp, I kept telling myself that it will all be worth it. The HSG and SIS tests that I'd taken six weeks after my surgery revealed that my tubes were clear and my uterus was healthy. There was no scarring to prevent implantation. Six more weeks and I could try for the first time.

The day AF arrived was the most exciting day that I could remember in a long time. I was actually happy to see my period come. It's funny, but for us women who are trying to conceive, AF is a blessing at some times and a curse at other times. This time her visit was a blessing. I called the  RE's office, excitement permeating my voice. It rubbed off because the nurse was excited right along with me. I'm smiling, even now, as I think of our conversation. We scheduled my day 2 ultrasound. I knew this would be my time!! I knew that I would get pregnant on the first time. The statistics that said it didn't happen didn't apply to me. 

I went in for my day 2 ultrasound and the nurse found 12 antral follicles. There were only 6 in June. I was given Clomid, to be taken days 3 to 7. Day 9, I gave myself a shot of Gonal F. Giving myself a shot was foreign to me and scary. But, I sucked it up because this would help me achieve my dream of conceiving little Jaydon. But, I felt like the biggest fool when I spilled half the shot. I was heartbroken. I knew that I'd ruined my chances of getting pregnant that cycle. The next day, the nurse assured me that I didn't ruin my chances of having a child. Rather on December 30, 2010, my day 12 ultrasound showed that I'd responded quite well to the Clomid and Gonal F. I had two mature follicles and a possible. I gave myself the HCG trigger shot that night. I went in on December 31 and January 1 for easy, back to back IUIs.

Uggggh, the dreaded TWW began. But, I handled it very well for the first seven days. I wasn't too nervous. I tried not to think about it too much. Then over dinner with a friend on day 7dpiui, I felt my first bout of nausea. Could it possibly be? The nervousness hit me full force at this point. I just knew I was pregnant. I'd done it. I was pregnant. In my excitement at the thought of being pregnant, I became a basket case. I was on the internet every day, all day. I questioned everything that was going on with my body. Could I take a really hot shower or will that harm the fetus? Could I eat Balsamic Vinigrette dressing/? How much tuna fish could I really eat? Would it be ok if I warmed up by roast beef sub in the microwave? Then about 10piui my breasts became sore and heavy. OMG!! I was pregnant. Wasn't this a classic symptom of pregnancy? "Thank God," I thought, "I'm pregnant."

Imagine my disappointment and heartache when I received my BFN and AF 14dpiui. I cried and was depressed the entire day. I didn't go into work. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I didn't want to answer the phone. I couldn't help it. How could my body fool me like that? BFN, AF be damned!! My dreams had been dashed.

What do I do now? There was nothing I could do but continue with the process. More to follow on how I got back on the horse.


Sarah @OMGTheresThree said...

Hang in there!

Jaydonsmom said...

Thanks Sarah!!! I'm trying!!!! :-)

Gigi said...

I'm sorry!! It hurts when you're all ready, done everything right & end up with a BFN. You've stepped out on faith TTC & at a time like this I know your faith is what's going to keep you pushing on until you get that sweet BFP :-)

Friend of STEM said...

Hi Jaydonsmom, just checking in to see if you have a (hopefully positive!) update :-)

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